Staying Away From Home Sticker Pack


This pack contains 72 symbol stickers ( x2 copies) for you to choose from to prepare for any trip away from home , whether it’s a family holiday, school trip, staying with a parent or respite care. 

Pack contents

  •  2 copies of each of the following 72 symbols:

Activities: hiking, picnic, swimming, beach, orienteering, cycling, pedalo, trampolining, fishing, crazy golf, map, sports, outdoor activities

Places to stay: hotel, respite house, hostel, friend’s house, grandparent’s house, mum’s house, dad’s house, caravan, holiday house, cabin, cruise, activity centre, camping, guide camp, scout camp

Packing: sleeping bag, pillow, suitcase, pack, unpack, clothes, outdoor clothes, underwear, swimming things, travel bag, night wear, sun cream, towel, wash bag, camera, ear defenders, glasses, sun glasses, book, backpack, torch, sun cap, teddy, medicine, travel games

Travelling: coach, car, areoplane, train, ferry, traffic jam, minibus, collect luggage, wait, crowds, packed lunch, queue, iPad/tablet, sweets, mobile phone, snack, passport, travel pass, currency

  • 8 blank rectangular stickers to label your TomTag Button Holders
  • 12 blank circular stickers to use for additional items or activities 

View symbols in product gallery. 

All TomTag symbol stickers are water-resistant. 

Images produced under licence from Widgit Symbols © Widgit Software 2002-2022

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