My Shopping List Sticker Pack


This pack contains 72 symbol stickers ( x2 copies ) for you to choose from to make visual shopping lists showing typical food and household grocery items.

Pack contents

  •  2 copies of each of the following 72 symbols:

fruit, vegetables & salad: fruit, bananas, apples, oranges, strawberries, kiwi fruit, melon, grapes, cucumber, dried fruit, vegetables, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, onion, salad, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers

dairy & drinks: eggs, butter, cheese, yoghurt, milk, tea bags, coffee, squash, fruit juice, water

meat & meals: meat, ham, bacon, fish, fish fingers, chicken, sausages, pizza, burgers, oven chips

bread, cakes & treats: bread roll, bread, crackers, biscuits, cake, crisps, chocolate, ice cream, comic, toy/treat

store cupboard & household: tinned veg, baked beans, tuna, jam, tomato ketchup, pasta sauce, soup, pasta, cereal, rice, washing-up liquid, kitchen roll, cleaning liquids, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet roll, pet food, nappies, wipes

  • 8 blank rectangular stickers to label your TomTag Button Holders
  • 12 blank circular stickers to use for additional items or activities 

View symbols in product gallery. 

All TomTag symbol stickers are water-resistant.

Images produced under licence from Widgit Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2002-2022

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