Early Years Sticker Pack


This pack contains 72 symbol stickers  (x 2 copies)for you to choose from to use in nursery or pre-school settings for timetables and routines, activity and choice prompts , personal care reminders and now and next or first/then prompts. 

Pack contents

  • 2 copies of each of the following 72 symbols:

Activities & play: dress up, water play, games, baking, craft, sand play, painting, messy play, colouring, toys, play dough, lego, reading, park, singing, music

It’s time for…: story time, circle time, inside play, outside play, play time, sleep time, quiet time, soft play, breakfast, lunchtime, snack time, go for a walk, choose, put away, home time

Personal care: use toilet (sitting), use toilet (standing), wipe, flush, toilet roll, toilet, nappy, nappy change, potty, wash hands, dry hands

Instructions and praise: welcome, look & listen, ask for help, kind feet, kind hands, teeth are for smiling not biting, personal space, share nicely, take turns, stop, wait, well done, inside voice, sit nicely, line up, reward star, now, next, first, then

Snacks & drinks: water, juice, milk, yoghurt, biscuits, snack bar, raisins, vegetables, fruit, crackers

  • 8 blank rectangular stickers to label your TomTag Button Holders
  • 12 blank circular stickers to use for additional items or activities 

View symbols in product gallery. 

All TomTag symbol stickers are water-resistant.

Images produced under licence from Widgit Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2002-2022 www.widgit.com

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