Learn At Home Sticker Pack


The Learn at home standard pack contains 48 symbol stickers  ( x 2 copies) and includes some symbols from the School Timetable, Clean & Tidy and Early Years Activities sticker packs. 

There is an option to combine this pack with the In the house sticker pack to create an extended pack of 120 symbol stickers which cover personal care and behaviour, mealtimes, people and places, activities, home learning and domestic tasks.

 Pack contents

  •  2 copies of each of the following 48 symbols:

Lesson time: Art, drama, PSHE, literacy, numeracy, geography, history, science, ICT, RE, German, French, Spanish, writing, reading,  brain gym, music, mental maths, spellings

More lessons & activities:   trampoline, play dough, colouring, water play, sand play, exercise, relax, gardening, bike ride, music, cookery, TV lesson, craft/DT, sewing, video lesson

Home tasks: Make bed, feed pet, set table, water plants, wash up, put away clothes

Family time: dance, pizza night, movie night, quiz, video call , visit park, go for a walk, singing, story time

  • 8 blank rectangular stickers to label your TomTag Button Holders
  • 12 blank circular stickers to use for additional items or activities 

View symbols in product gallery. 

All TomTag symbol stickers are water-resistant.

Images produced under licence from Widgit Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2002-2024 www.widgit.com


Additional information

sticker pack type

standard pack, plus In the house stickers

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